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Metal Wolf Reaver

Similarly to the Space Drone project, this project was an assessment piece that was completed for university that I completed with flying colours. The aim of this assignment was to combine all the knowledge of AI we had learnt. The project aimed to create a player like bot using behaviour trees that allowed the bot to sense its surroundings and manage its danger or threat level. Once I had created the bot using the behaviour tree, I entered it into a tournament with the rest of the class. My bot was able to preform rather admirably making it to finals before being defeated. The bot was comprised of two behaviour trees that ran simultaneously that managed the weapons and the movement behaviours. The bot had 5 main presets that it ran through. Attack, roam, chase, flee and heal. These allowed the bot to hunt down enemies once they were spotted then replenish itself after the battle if victorious or run away to fight another day. Calculations using A* and greedy algorithms were used to find the best path to certain areas. 



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